Southeast Business Trends

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Southeast Business Trends 1
By Matthew Fite
Staff Writer

Across the Southeast region sources said that their sales are doing well. There is however a mixed bag on whether they are doing better or worse than they were six months ago.

In Louisiana a sawmill representative said that they are doing well, at the time of this writing, and that they are experiencing high demand. “I would say we are doing about the same as we were six months ago. We are an export mill and everything is doing well for us right now” he said.

His company handles Southern Yellow Pine in Sap, Prime, Merch and No. 2 Common and in 1 inch through 4 inch thicknesses.

“We mainly sell to importers and they have not said much about how their business is going, but they must be doing well since we are,” he noted.

Despite fuel prices continuing to be high, he mentioned that transportation is getting easier in regard to getting lumber on ships as he said that it was difficult to do that six months ago.

A lumberman in North Carolina said, “We have not had any particular problems moving lumber. Business could be a little more active but it is not terrible.”

He also noted that their sales are about the same as they were six months ago, “I wouldn’t say that they are any better but I also wouldn’t say that they are worse.”

His company handles Southern Yellow Pine in grades DSS, No. 2, 3 and 4 Common in 2 inch, 4×6 and 6×6.

“We sell to traders and wholesalers. They haven’t said anything out of the ordinary about their sales,” he remarked.

When asked if his company was having issues with transportation he said that his company is not currently experiencing any. He also noted that they are not struggling with labor.

In Florida a lumber spokeswoman said that their sales have been fair to good. “Our sales are worse than they were six months ago, but we are not in a bad spot yet. I think that the rise in interest rates and the slowing down of building and construction is what has caused our sales to look a little worse,” she remarked.

Her company handles Yellow Pine in grades No. 1, 2, 3, 4 Common and an MSR 20A50 in 2×4 and 1×4.

“We sell to lumber brokers and wholesalers mostly. I think a lot of my customers share the same sentiments about the economy not doing so well. Most of my customers aren’t sure if the economy is going to get better,” she said.

“We are not really having issues with transportation or labor right now, but we have had issues with labor from time to time,” she noted.

By Matthew Fite

Matthew Fite Staff Writer Miller Wood Trade Publications

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By Matthew Fite

Matthew Fite Staff Writer Miller Wood Trade Publications

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