NAWLA Welcomes New Executive Director

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NAWLA Welcomes New Executive Director 1
Matt Bruno

The North American Wholesale Lumber Association (NAWLA) has introduced Matt Bruno as their new Executive Director. Bruno has been working behind the scenes at NAWLA since November and attended the 2023 Traders Market. “What caught me off guard at my first Traders Market was the comradery across the industry,” Bruno said when asked what he is most excited about as he enters into his new role. “NAWLA is a part of an excited and thriving industry that has an engaged board of directors and a passionate membership. They also have a fantastic group of volunteers across their community, which is a reflection of an industry that cares about their future.”

Bruno comes to NAWLA after being in association management for 10 years and has held the position of executive director at other trade associations. “Once I became an executive director, I was able to get back to what I enjoyed doing before I started working for non-profits,” Bruno said. Before Bruno joined the non-profit sector and started working for trade associations, he worked in account management where he learned that his strengths are in building relationships and expanding accounts for his clients. “I enjoy building relationships with people learning about their businesses and how they can be expanded. I believe that as an executive director this is one of the most important roles that I have, helping to continuously build a better industry that will benefit all our members.”

As Bruno steps full into his new position he seeks to continue on the path that future NAWLA leaders have laid out before him. “This is a more than 129-year-old organization that has continued to impact the industry and has truly had some of its best moments over the past six years,” he noted. “I want to build upon this success by identifying what has made it so successful and using that to take us above and beyond where we are.”

Bruno plans to follow in the footsteps of past chairman Steve Rustja, by attending every event and function that NAWLA hosts. “My biggest priority for the next year is to gain a strong understanding of the people in this industry and build relationships so that I can truly understand the intricacies of the business,” he said.

Over the course of the next year NAWLA plans to continue adding on to the vast resources that it already offers its members with the launch of a mentorship program, as well as an online educational program, NAWLA University. These new programs are meant to demonstrate to NAWLA members that there is always a NAWLA resource near to them. So, whether it’s a regional meeting, resources online or getting together with a mentor, members know that there is always a way for them to gain insight and help from NAWLA. “We are going to do everything within our capabilities to help our members build a better company and in turn a better industry,” Bruno stated.

Bruno graduated from Elgin Academy in Elgin, IL and went to DePaul University of Chicago where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology. He also attended The Art Institute of Chicago where he received an associate of applied science degree in multimedia production. Bruno is also certified in brand and product strategy from Section.

Bruno has been married for almost 20 years to his wife Autumn Bruno and together they have four children and two dogs. Bruno just recently completed his first triathlon and plays competitive soccer year-round, as well as some casual golf.

Bruno enjoys hiking, trail running, going to the beach and exploring new places. In his spare time, he enjoys learning about the culture of food through cooking and wine pairings.

You can contact Matt Bruno at 312-673-4867, email or visit

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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