In Memoriam

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In Memoriam 1
Jenness L. Robbins

Jenness L. Robbins, at the age of 85, passed away peacefully on May 3, 2024, in Searsmont, ME. He was surrounded by his loving family.

Jenness was a recognized leader in the lumber industry. He felt himself fortunate to live in Searsmont his entire life. He and his brother, Jim Robbins, owned and operated Robbins Lumber Company in Searsmont; and Jenness served as President of the Company for 27 years prior to selling the business to his brother Jim in 2003. Up until his death, he continued serving as a consultant to the business and made a valuable contribution to the “Mill” and the lumber industry he loved.

Jenness counted himself fortunate to be a lifelong resident of Searsmont. He loved Maine; and, in addition to his business responsibilities, he dedicated himself to a wide variety of community services in both Searsmont and neighboring towns. He served as a member of the MSAD #34 School Board, the Board of Directors of Farm Credit, Inc, and as the President of the Board of Directors of Waldo County Healthcare, Inc. His other community work included serving as the Clerk of the Works for the building of the Searsmont Community Center, the Maine Forest Products Council Office Building in Augusta and the new Fire House in Searsmont. Additionally, he volunteered for 10 years with Habitat for Humanity and coordinated the building of 4 houses in Waldo County. He is a former member of the Searsmont Planning Board and served as President of the Belfast Curling Club and also a tenure as President of the Northeastern Loggers Association.

In 2004, he was honored to receive the Albert Nutting Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Forest Products Industries, and in 2019, the Retail Lumber Dealers Association of Maine presented him with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Additionally, Jenness was also honored by the Boy Scouts of America receiving both their prestigious Silver Beaver Award and Golden Eagle Award. In addition to his public community service, Jenness felt strongly about quietly helping those in need with individual acts of generosity. He was adamant in his life about giving back to his community. His acts of service and generosity leave behind many powerful legacies.

Jenness was a natural leader, overflowing with charisma. He developed deep and long-lasting friendships which inspired friends from inside and outside of Maine to visit him for decades. Rarely, did he go anywhere without being stopped by someone who knew him and wanted to talk to him. His sense of humor and practical joke skills were legendary and he truly enjoyed laughing at himself. Jenness was an avid outdoorsman who loved to fly fish, hunt, walk in the woods and drive his antique cars. He was also very proud of being a careful steward of the land.

Most of all, Jenness loved his family. He is survived by his wife, Carol Barr Robbins and daughter, Amy Robbins-Wilson and husband, Timothy Wilson and son, Clayton Wilson; daughter Lorie Kulbe and husband, Christopher Kulbe and children: Jenness (Jesse), Jordan and Drew Kulbe; daughter Susan Robbins and children: Chloe Libby and Alden and Ben Robbins; stepson Jon Barr and wife, Annette Schumacher-Barr and children: Catherine Mary and Anne Barr; stepson Thomas Barr and wife, Maria Renz and children: Jackson and Brennan Barr; and stepdaughter Jennifer Kulis and husband, Robert Kulis and children: Christopher, Harrison and Hudson Kulis. Jenness is also survived by his brother James Robbins and wife, Ann Robbins and his sister Roberta Walker and husband, Gary Walker. He leaves behind many beloved nieces, nephews and other close family and friends. He was pre-deceased by his parents: Lawrence & Louise (Sprowl) Robbins.

Donations may be made In his memory to the Jenness and Carol Robbins Fund at the University of Maine Foundation. The fund was established to support the health and safety of the elderly and those in need in the Town of Searsmont.

Jenness’ family held a Living Celebration of Life for him on October 7th, 2023 at Robbins Lumber Mill.  More than 400 friends and family celebrated Jenness’ life with a long log-truck parade, multiple stories and incredible love. Jenness and his family were deeply moved by the celebration and the outpouring of support by all attendees.

A private burial will be held for him at a later date.

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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