What Are Your Company’s Pathways To Success?

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What’s in store for your business in 2024? Are you looking to improve your operations with new equipment? How are you going to pay for it? Is there a generational gap in your workforce making communication difficult? And what’s going on with the economy this year?

If you’re asking yourself any of these questions, then you’ll want to make plans to attend HMA’s 2024 National Conference and Expo, Monday–Wednesday, March 25–27, at The Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, SC. This year’s theme is Pathways to Success and the agenda is filled with learning sessions that will help your company navigate the challenges ahead. Here’s a brief overview of a few sessions.

•Funding Improvements: Grant Opportunities
What exactly is the USDA Forest Service’s Wood Innovations Grant (WIG) Program? How can a grant help your company make equipment and operational upgrades? What companies are eligible? How do you apply for a grant? Marcus Taylor, Wood Innovations coordinator for the Southern Region, will be with us to provide all the details and answer questions.

•Effective Communication Panel
Times have changed and communicating with workers from different generations can be challenging and frustrating for all involved. This panel discussion, moderated by Steve James—president and CEO of Frank Miller Lumber Company and a certified John C. Maxwell coach, trainer, and speaker—will bring together a Millennial, a Gen Xer, and a Boomer to provide insight into how to overcome communication issues and improve your company’s culture.

•Economic Predictions: Hits and Misses
Every year, attendees get to hear from an experienced economist who gives an update on the U.S. economy. HMA members have asked, “What did they get right and where were they wrong?” This year, we’re welcoming back our 2023 presenter, Dr. Christopher Kuehl, co-founder of Armada Corporate Intelligence. His presentation will give an honest critique of his assessment last year, as well as a current look at the U.S. economy and a forward-looking analysis of trends to watch. We’re looking forward to what he has to say!

As a reminder, this event is open to all Hardwood industry stakeholders—members, non-members, industry suppliers, etc. All of the Conference details can be found online at www.HMAmembers.org. And while you’re there, take care of your registration, book your hotel room, see the full schedule, browse the list of exhibitors, and consider adding on a sponsorship! We’re looking forward to seeing you in Charleston!

What Are Your Company’s Pathways To Success? 1

By Linda Jovanovich

Executive Vice President, Hardwood Manufacturers Association, Pittsburgh, PA 412-244-0440 HMAMEMBERS.ORG

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By Linda Jovanovich

Executive Vice President, Hardwood Manufacturers Association, Pittsburgh, PA 412-244-0440 HMAMEMBERS.ORG

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