KANE, PA—Collins, with a sawmill here, recently announced that Jason Stanley joined Collins as Operations Manager-Kane.
For the past five years, Stanley held the position of Plant Manager for Northwest Hardwoods and was responsible for the operations of two facilities. His focus is on leadership, setting clear expectations and safety. He has an excellent safety record as a manager, with an incident rate of under 1.
Stanley attended high school in Kane and worked for the mill briefly straight out of high school. Stanley and his family live in Warren and are excited to be part of the Kane community once again.
Collins is very enthusiastic to have Stanley lead the Kane team. He reports to Jeff Stoddard, Chief Operating Officer.
Stanley can be reached at the Kane office – 814-837-6941 – or at jstanley@collinsco.com.
For more information, go to www.collinsco.com.