Penn-York And Ron Jones Hardwood Sales Team Up For Meeting

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Ron Jones Hardwood Sales Inc. of Franklin, PA recently hosted the monthly meeting of the Penn-York Lumbermen’s Club. The event was held at Wanango Country Club in Reno, PA.

A dinner and reception capped off a day of activities. The guest speaker was Todd Swanson, Senior Investment Manager, and Greg Reese with PNC Bank.

Additionally, there was a Golf Outing and a Sporting Clay shoot. Following are the winners from those events:

Golf Outing:
Closest to the Pin Hole #5: John Pysh (Pennsylvania Hardwoods Company)
Closest to the Pin Hole #10: Burt Craig (Matson Lumber)
Longest Putt Hole #2: Marty James (Penn-Sylvan Hardwoods)
Longest Drive Hole #18: Matt Megnin (Speyside Cooperage)
Closest to the Pin, 2nd Shot: Jack Monnoyer (Deer Park Lumber)

Winning Team with a score of 73:
•Jordan McIlvain (Alan McIlvain Co.)
•Jack Monnoyer Jr. (Deer Park Lumber)
•Jack Monnoyer (Deer Park Lumber)
•Matt Megnin (Speyside Cooperage)

Sporting Clays:
1st place: Curtis Hollabaugh (Slater Run Resources)
2nd place: Scott Silvis (Penn Cherry)
•Jake Hickman (Hickman Lumber)

The next Penn-York meeting is scheduled for Sept. 11 and will be in State College, PA and hosted by Forcey Lumber, followed by Pennsylvania Forest Products Association meeting.

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