Hardwood Access and Development Program

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In an important milestone for the hardwood sector, Reps. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Annie Kuster (D-NH) have sponsored HR 6880, the Hardwood Products Access and Development Program (HAP) bill in the House.

• The program would support research efforts related to the environmental and health benefits of domestically produced hardwood products.

• Eligible entities include non-profit organizations serving the U.S. hardwood sector (including the Real American Hardwood Coalition and other hardwood focused associations), universities and research organizations.

• Research related to environmental and health benefits of domestic hardwood products, research related to consumer attitudes and knowledge of hardwood products, promotion of research to the public and potential consumers, demonstration projects highlighting environmental and health benefits of hardwood products are all included as potential activities related to the HAP.

• Up to $25 million over five years in funding is included in the bill language.

The Hardwood Federation is very pleased to have a House bill and are now focused on getting a companion bill in the Senate which will be necessary for even a chance of getting the bill folded into the Farm Bill. Ask current Senate members to sponsor a companion bill…and ask House members to add their name as a co-sponsor to the bill by clicking here to send a letter to your member of Congress, or visit https://mstr.app/da3bcdb3-e93e-4c5c-9ae1-a6d84058748f.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

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