BC Wood Launches Export Readiness Training Program

Feb/Mar Issue

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BC Wood, located in Langley, BC, recently launched a weekly Export Readiness Training Program, which began the end of January and will run through March 23.

The Export Readiness Training Program is an in-depth webinar-based 9-module program developed for Canada’s wood products industry that will guide participants through the complete process of exporting.

The modules are broken into three phases, starting with determining export readiness, then offering tactical lessons in performing research, learning about key markets, building Export Plans and identifying the best-fit partners, followed by a number of hands-on webinars with experts on dealing with logistics, international finance, virtual selling and trade topics that will provide specific advice on expanding internationally.

To view the topics for each training module and to sign up, visit www.bcwood.com.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

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