APA – The Mark Of Quality For Wood Structural Panels

Nov/Dec Issue

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About APA – The Engineered Wood Association

When ordering or specifying wood structural panels, it is important to receive the right panel for the application, and equally important that the panel is manufactured with the required quality. Wood structural panels trademarked by APA – The Engineered Wood Association meet both criteria, based on qualification tests in compliance with PS 1 for plywood and PS 2 for plywood and oriented strand board (OSB), as well as on-going quality assurance tests on every production period with a robust quality assurance system. In Canada, APA panels are trademarked to similar standards, which include CSA O121 for Douglas-Fir plywood, CSA O151 for Canadian Softwood plywood and CSA O325 for OSB and plywood. 

APA’s Quality Assurance System

APA’s quality assurance system includes review of mill quality procedures, independent third-party audits of the mill quality program and regular independent testing that verifies the quality and performance of wood structural panels. Also, APA’s quality assurance system has proactive steps to ensure any product quality issues are addressed promptly and properly in the manufacturing plant.

APA-certified products are authorized to bear a trademark clearly identifying the appropriate standard and product application. The qualification and quality assurance system apply evaluation methods that are appropriate for many end-use applications, including span ratings for roof, wall and floor construction, and for a wide variety of other uses, such as in concrete forming, upholstered furniture frames, recreational vehicles and other manufactured products where materials with high strength-to-weight ratios, durable exterior adhesives and known mechanical properties are important. 

North American Panels vs Imported Panels

Occasionally, imported wood structural panels are sold in North America. Those imported panels may be manufactured with foreign wood species of a low density or with adhesives of unknown durability, or they may be qualified by testing to a foreign standard that is not developed and intended for North American markets. Furthermore, the in-plant quality program, and especially the independent third-party quality assurance system of imported panels, may be untested and unproven in North America.

In the past, APA has been asked to evaluate imported panels available in local markets by testing them with requirements specified in PS 1 and PS 2. In some cases, the panels were found to be lacking in stiffness and bond quality and emitting formaldehyde in excess of certified products conforming to North American standards. Specifying APA-trademarked panels manufactured by trusted North American manufacturers is an assurance of getting the right product for the right application at a recognized quality level.

Find a free download of this content with a complete explanation of the APA trademark at www.apawood.org

Founded in 1933 and based in Tacoma, WA, APA represents about 175 plywood, oriented strand board, glulam and cross-laminated timber, wood I-joist, Rim Board® and structural composite lumber mills throughout North America. Its primary functions are quality auditing and testing, applied research, and market support and development. 

Learn more at www.apawood.org.

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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