AHEC, TDUK Host American Hardwood Trade Symposium

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The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) recently collaborated with Timber Development UK (TDUK) to host the American Hardwood Trade Symposium at The Building Centre in London. The event brought together 120 delegates representing both American hardwood exporters and UK hardwood importers.

This marked the first time in several years when American hardwood experts and suppliers, as well as UK and EU importers, traders and merchants gathered together from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss the state of the market.
Speakers included Michael Snow, executive director of AHEC, Dan Meyer, editor of Hardwood Review, George White, consultant to the Sustainable Hardwood Coalition and Rupert Oliver, of Forest Industries Intelligence.

Key presentations during the symposium focused on global trade flows of American hardwood, analysis of supply trends, how risk-based certification will change market access, and the implications of incoming EU Deforestation Free Regulation (EUDR).

These presentations were supplemented by two panel discussions from both key American hardwood exporters, along with UK and European importers to gain insight on European market trends and get updates on the ongoing Sustainable Hardwood Coalition initiative and the impacts of the EUDR for the timber trade.

Learn more at www.americanhardwood.org.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

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