Executive Director
Hardwood Federation
The Hardwood Federation has been working hard this year on several key issues that have potential impacts, both good and bad, on the industry. When talking to your U.S. Senators or House Representative, you should certainly share what is top of mind for you, your family and your business. But don’t forget to reiterate some of the Federation messaging during your conversation. When you follow up with the Hardwood Federation’s lobbying efforts in Washington, you can help push our policy priorities over the finish line.
Keep Hardwood Priorities in the Farm Bill – There is some debate about when, and if, a Farm Bill is finalized this year or punted until 2025, but it’s still important to hammer home the importance of maintaining key provisions for the hardwood industry…regardless of passage date:
- Hardwood Export Promotion – Double funding for USDA’s export promotion programs. Following robust advocacy from the Federation, the House version of the bill and the Senate framework include this key provision, which lawmakers must push across the finish line!
- Biomass – Legally binding biomass carbon neutrality language as part of the Farm Bill reauthorization effort.
- Workforce – The “Jobs in the Woods Act,” folded into the farm bill, provides education grants ranging in size from $500,000 to $2 million to promote jobs in the understaffed timber industry and U.S. Forest Service.
A Second Opportunity to Affirm Biomass as Carbon Neutral – As Congress debates a final spending bill for 2025, tell your lawmakers to make sure that the final bill classifies biomass as carbon neutral and grows markets for hardwood residuals. Fortunately, both the House and Senate versions of the Interior Appropriations bill include this language. Make sure Congress pushes it over the finish line!
Cosponsor the Hardwood Access Bill! The Federation has convinced lawmakers to introduce a bill tailored specifically for the industry. Tell your U.S. Representative to support the bipartisan H.R. 6880, the “Hardwood Access and Development Program Act.” Championed by Reps. Tom Tiffany (R-WI-07) and Ann Kuster (D-NH-02), this bill creates a competitive grant program to support consumer education about the sustainability, low carbon footprint, domestic production and rural economic impacts of U.S. made hardwood products.
For more information, visit www.hardwoodfederation.com.