Messer Joins Cole Hardwood, Inc.

Oct Issue

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Dave Messer
Dave Messer

LOGANSPORT, IN—David Messer was recently hired as a sales representative for Cole Hardwood, Inc., headquartered here. Cole Hardwood manufactures Hardwood lumber including Ash, Basswood, Beech, Cherry, Hickory, Hard and Soft Maple, Hackberry, Red and White Oak, Poplar and Walnut.

Before going to work for Cole Hardwood, Messer was president of Specialty Hardwoods of Indiana. Earlier, he was in sales and purchasing at his family’s sawmill, Interstate Forestry. This was where his career in the forest products industry began, piling boards at an early age.  Messer is a graduate of the National Hardwood Lumber Association Inspector Training School.

Messer and his wife, Rena, have been married for 20 years, and they have five children. Messer likes being involved in his children’s activities, enjoying the outdoors and shooting sporting clays.For more information, go to

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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