HMA’s National Conference and Expo: A Catalyst For Change

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2022 may be in the rearview mirror, but the challenges of last year – labor shortages, supply chain constraints, product shortages, inflation – remain front and center. Now, if yours’ is the ‘glass-half-empty’ mindset, 2023 is looking bleak. But for us ‘glass-half-full’ enthusiasts, we’re hyped and ready to get this new year started. And we’d like to share our optimism with you, March 22-24 at HMA’s National Conference and Expo in Nashville.

As previously announced, “Agents of Change” is our Conference theme. And as you will see, our curated Conference learning sessions will be providing information for all looking to: become better leaders; augment their workforces: optimize existing systems/operations; and improve efficiency and production.

On the Agenda

Implementing Agents of Change with Effective Communications and Leadership – No matter what the industry, the world of work is evolving, and change is upon us. While change is difficult, successful business owners know not to assume that what’s worked before will work again. In this opening session, Steve James, certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Trainer, Speaker and CEO, Frank Miller Lumber Company, will be discussing ‘leading by example,’ workplace culture and much more.

Trends and Forecasts – In this presentation, Dr. Chris Kuehl, Analyst, Economist, Thought-Leader, Managing Director, and co-founder of Kansas-based, Armada Corporate Intelligence, will provide a current assessment of the of the U.S. economy and a forward-looking analysis of trends to watch.

Taking Your Operation to the Next Level – Can technology really help close the workforce gap and assist in meeting the unique needs of your customers? Two panels of industry experts + HMA members will be discussing ‘solutions’ and the challenges that have been met. You’ll want to hear what your peers have been able to accomplish.

Other business sessions on the 2023 Conference agenda include “Hardwood Markets: A Forward-Looking Conversation,” Judd Johnson, Editor, Hardwood Market Report, and “Industry Updates,” from Association Executives and Representatives of the American Hardwood Export Council, the Hardwood Federation and the Real American Hardwood Coalition.

Not an HMA member? Not a problem! Our National Conference and Expo is open to all industry stakeholders. So, join us in Nashville and let’s get this new year started with a blast of optimism.

All of the Conference details – meeting registration, hotel information, a listing of participating exhibitors, available event sponsorships, and the complete Conference agenda – can be found at Hope to see you there.

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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