Making Changes and Moving Forward

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HMA’s 2023 National Conference and Expo is set for March 22–24 at the JW Marriott Nashville, and all Hardwood industry stakeholders are welcome to attend. Yes, this HMA event is open to all Hardwood associates, and I encourage you to join us in Nashville because our Conference agenda has something for everyone, both newcomers and seasoned participants!

The Opening Reception and Expo, the evening of Wednesday, March 22, will set the tone of comradery and hospitality. Plan on a sumptuous array of refreshments. Browse the technology Expo. Meet, greet, catch-up, make new contacts, connect with industry colleagues and old friends. It will be the perfect venue to network! And that’s just for starters.

If your strategic plan is all about making changes and moving forward, this industry event is for you. Our Conference theme is “Agents of Change,” and the dais of presenters will be addressing the critical issues impacting us all – leadership, communication, innovation, technology challenges, manufacturing, domestic and global economies, Hardwood market trends and forecasts.

Among the presenters is Dr. Chris Kuehl, Analyst, Economist, Thought-Leader, Managing Director, and co-founder of Kansas-based, Armada Corporate Intelligence. As Armada’s economic analyst, Dr. Kuehl has worked with a wide variety of private clients and professional associations. His presentation, “Trends and Forecasts,” will include a current assessment of the of the U.S. economy and a forward-looking analysis of trends to watch.

Other presentations on the 2023 Conference agenda:

•“Implementing Agents of Change with Effective Communications and Leadership,” Steve James, certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Trainer, Speaker and CEO, Frank Miller Lumber Company

•“Taking Your Operation to the Next Level,” Panels of industry experts + HMA members addressing today’s challenges and tomorrow’s strategic solutions

•“Hardwood Markets: A Forward-Looking Conversation,” Judd Johnson, Editor, Hardwood Market Report

•“Industry Updates,” from Association Executives and Representatives of the American Hardwood Export Council, the Hardwood Federation and the Real American Hardwood Coalition

So, if this sounds like your kind of industry event, clear your calendar and plan to be with us in Nashville. You’ll find all the Conference details – meeting registration, hotel information, a listing of participating exhibitors, available event sponsorships, and the complete Conference agenda – at Or contact me,, should you have any questions.

Join us in being ‘Agents of Change.’ I hope to hear from you.

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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