Cleereman Announces Recent Installations

Feb Issue

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Paul Cleereman
Paul Cleereman

Newald, WI–Cleereman Industries along with Cleereman Controls, headquartered here, recently performed these installations, according to Vice President Paul Cleereman:

Cleereman recently completed the installation of the new Shamco Lumber Inc. sawmill in Iron River, MI. Cleereman Industries’ engineering department handled everything from the foundation/steel embedment prints, electrical prints, and all the engineered drawings needed for the entire project. The primary breakdown of this mill is a double-cut band mill. Cleereman supplied a new Mellott Model 642 6-foot 17-degree tilt bandsaw for this project along with an optimized Cleereman LP-42 linear carriage and Cleereman 654 optimized edger line that feeds a Cleereman trimmer. The mill is supplied with logs coming from the new Cleereman 648 debarker. Cleereman supplied a Precision chipper and waste system for Shamco. Cleereman Controls did all of the optimization on carriage and edger lines in this mill along with debarker and trimmer controls.

Also, Beiler’s Sawmill in Quarryville, PA recently installed a Cleereman LP 42-inch linear carriage with Cleereman controls. Beiler Sawmill also has a Cleereman edger on order for delivery in the spring of 2022. 

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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