CHB Spotlights Success, Ongoing Programs

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The 2024 fall meeting of the Canadian Hardwood Bureau (CHB) was held recently in St. Louis, MO, in conjunction with the National Hardwood Lumber Association’s (NHLA) Annual Convention.

Speakers at the meeting included North American Forest Foundation’s (NAFF) Allison DeFord who updated the group on all the latest NAFF activities, and NHLA’s Dallin Brooks, whose presentation focused on the activities and developments on hardwood promotions in the U.S. He touched on the efforts of the NHLA and the Real American Hardwood Coalition, with a focus on what messages are best resonating with target audiences and what communications vehicles are providing the best results.

Chairman Shaun Rowe, of Quality Hardwoods, reported the CHB will be offering grading courses to members over the coming months, both short courses and possibly a seven-week grading course. There was discussion on key issues for members. CHB is working to support members on the EUDR, and plant health concerns and phytosanitary certificate processes were also raised.

CHB undertook an initial promotional program recently for exports, with the goal to tell the story of Canadian hardwoods as a beautiful, durable, and sustainable interior building material to as many consumers as possible. CHB targeted U.S.-based designers and architects, who would promote our story to homeowners and commercial end users.

CHB developed a webinar and over two years presented approximately 25 one-hour webinars, reaching well over 2,500 designers and architects. CHB was approved by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) as a certified provider of continuing education credits and was also approved by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) for continuing education. CHB has now been able to secure an initial amount of funding to undertake some domestic promotion.

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By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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