What’s New at the HMA?

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What's New at the HMA? 1
Ian Faight
Exec. Vice President,
Hardwood Manufacturers Association

August, already? The year is flying by, but I guess that’s what happens when you’re staying busy and working hard. Following is a brief rundown of what’s on the calendar and new at the HMA.

As HMA members know, seeing is believing — and that’s especially true when it comes to member benefits. When talking to HMA members, | repeatedly hear them say Regional Meetings and Tours are one of our association’s most valuable benefits. Visiting sawmills, concentration yards, and secondary manufacturing facilities and seeing their operations in action, learning from their equipment and technology improvements, and talking with industry peers delivers an eye-opening experience especially for your younger workforce who may not get out of the office too often.

The next opportunity to experience an HMA Regional Tour is this fall, October 15-17, in Cedar Rapids, lowa. I’m happy to announce that — at the time of submitting this column —confirmed tour sites include Kendrick Forest Products’ facilities in both Edgewood and Muscatine, lowa, as well as Bruggeman Lumber, Inc., in Sand Springs, lowa. Descriptions of our lineup of tour sites, registration information, and hotel details can be found online at www.HMAmembers.org.

Speaking of our member website, we’re currently in the process of developing a brand new www.HMAmembers.org, with a fresh design, intuitive navigation, industry news and updates, and member-only tools and resources. Keep a look out, it’ll be launching soon, and we’re excited for you to see it.

Also launching soon will be a new term for our NextGen Leaders Council. Membership is open to anyone under the age of 40, who is employed at an HMA member company and willing to commit to a two-year term. Do you have an up-and-coming, future leader, who could benefit from professional and personal development? Send me an email at ian@hardwood.org for more information.

And one reminder before I close out this month’s column. Be sure to save the date for HMA’s 2025 National Conference and Expo, which will take place June 10-12 in Knoxville, Tennessee. We’re preparing an informative slate of learning sessions, engaging networking opportunities, expo hours to meet with our industry’s leading suppliers and solution providers, and an in-person tour that you won’t want to miss. I look forward to seeing you in The Volunteer State.

Not an HMA member? Now’s the time to learn more. Contact me at 412-244-0440 or ian@hardwood.org and l’d be happy to discuss membership criteria, other member benefits, our education and promotion initiatives, industry collaborations, and all the projects and happenings at the HMA. I hope to hear from you soon!

Visit www.hmamembers.org to learn more.

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By Ian Faight

Executive Vice President, Hardwood Manufacturers Association, ian@hardwood.org

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