KFIA Holds 55th Annual Meeting

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Photos by Gary Miller

 (Editor’s Note: Among these photos included with this article are some that were taken at the Robinson Lumber Co./Van Meter Insurance Hospitality Suite.)

Frankfort, KY–The Kentucky Forest Industries Association (KFIA), headquartered here, recently completed a successful 55th Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY at the Brown Hotel. The meeting was originally scheduled for April 7-9, but due to COVID-19 the meeting was rescheduled for August 2020. Under the current circumstances in regard to COVID guidelines, a KFIA spokesperson stated, “We had a successful meeting with 120 in attendance and 25 exhibitors. The KFIA Annual Meeting serves as the premier event for the Hardwood industry in Kentucky.”

The meeting got underway with a day of golf with 36 participants who played in the John C. Smith Invitational Golf Scramble that was won by Darrin Gay, Robert Smith, Eric Mason and Randy Osborne, all from Gay Brothers Lumber in Oneida, KY. Immediately after the golf tournament was over, two golf players purchased two tickets to qualify for a drawing for the opportunity to win $500. One individual won the prize money by having the best score on a Par Three. The “Shoot Out” was sponsored by U-C Coatings, located in Buffalo, NY. The winner of the “Shoot Out” was Jon Williams.

Then the KFIA Board of Directors addressed association business, followed by a Welcome Reception that was held in the evening.

On Wednesday morning KFIA President Dan Allard, of Domtar Paper Co. LLC, opened the session followed with a legislative and association update provided by KFIA Executive Director Bob Bauer, which included Hardwood Federation issues in Washington, DC and the impact on the timber industry. Bauer also discussed the recently redesigned KFIA website (kfia.org), which is being redesigned to meet a wide range of membership needs while providing industry information to the public.

Tom Inman, President of Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc. (AHMI) provided an update on the Hardwood Promotion Coalition, and Michael Snow, Executive Director, of the American Hardwood Export Council, provided information on Hardwood export markets to close out the opening session. That session was followed by the Kentucky Tree Farm Awards Luncheon, which convened with guest speaker Kentucky Department of Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles highlighting the partnerships that are being developed with the wood products industry. Special presentations were made to those who have supported the industry and forestry in Kentucky.

The luncheon provides an opportunity to honor a wide range of individuals that help to make forestry and the wood industry a success throughout the state. The following people were recognized for their contributions to forestry in Kentucky:

Oliver H. Loyd, Loyd Family Woodland Reserve Tree Farm, Wallingford, KY – 2019 Tree Farmer of the Year

Brandon Brock, Brock Enterprises, Mayking, KY – 2019 Logger of the Year

Robert Bean, Central Region KY Division of Forestry, Campbellsville, KY – 2019 Inspector of the Year

Gary Miller, National Hardwood Magazine, Memphis, TN –  2019 Communicator of the Year

KFIA recognized the following people for their leadership and service to the KFIA Board of Directors:

Outgoing KFIA President: Mervin Strader, Strader Bros, LLC, Elkton, KY

Outgoing KFIA Vice President: Dan Allard, Domtar Paper Co. LLC, Hawesville, KY

Outgoing Board Member: Darryl Centers, Patterson Chip Co., Barbourville, KY


KFIA President: Dan Allard, Domtar Paper Co. LLC, Hawesville, KY

KFIA Vice President: George Crawford, Somerset Wood Products, Somerset, KY

Secretary/Treasurer: Amy Middleton, Diamond Forest        Resources, Morehead, KY 

Re-elected Directors:           

John Foley, BPM Lumber LLC,  Lexington, KY

Jerry Starns, American Woodmark, Monticello, KY

New elected Director:           

Paul Maxwell, Maxwell Brothers Lumber, Lewisport, KY

As usual tradition, everyone enjoyed the Robinson Lumber Co./Van Meter Insurance Hospitality Suite with fellowship and networking opportunities. The day ended with the Exhibitor Reception that included plenty of time to see some of the latest technology and services being offered to the Hardwood industry. 

Thursday morning opened with a discussion on the Hardwood lumber usage for cross laminated timber provided by Dr. Daniel Hindman, Extension Specialist from Virginia Tech University. That presentation was followed by Anthony Harvey, Kentucky Regional Director for WoodWorks-Wood Products Council discussing WoodWorks support for wood industry markets in Kentucky. The meeting concluded with Tim Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture who discussed how the Department and the Kentucky Proud marketing program have been successful and offer a number of incentives to the wood industry to expand markets.

Organizers of the meeting deemed it a success even with lower attendance than normal. Those in attendance gained valuable information while having time to network with others in the Hardwood industry from throughout the country. KFIA is pleased to announce that the 2021 Annual Meeting will be in Lexington, KY at the Embassy Suites on April 6-8.

KFIA is a trade association dedicated to serving and promoting the forest products industry of Kentucky. Founded in 1965, it has over 500 members in the areas of primary and secondary wood industry, supplier and service industries, wholesale, loggers and landowners.   For more information about the association contact Bob Bauer at 502-695-3979 or visit www.kfia.org.

By Miller Wood Trade Publications

The premier online information source for the forest products industry since 1927.

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