Category: Business Trends North America

Miller Wood Trade Publications

Lake States Business Trends

Sources that were contacted throughout the Lake States region were a mixed bag as one source said that his market was doing well, while the

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Northeast Business Trends

Opinions regarding the state of the forest products industry in the Northeast varied among industry professionals in the region. A representative from a distribution yard

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Southeast Business Trends

The reports on the hardwood lumber markets in the Southeast portray an element of negativity. A lumber spokesperson in Mississippi said that the market wasn’t

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Ontario Business Trends

As the industry moves into early fall, businesses are still facing many challenges to reach a profit. The housing shortage on both sides of the

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Quebec Business Trends

With summer behind us, and the Labor Day holiday over, businesses are slowly gearing up for the fall and winter seasons. Businesses are planning their

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

West Coast Business Trends

Forest products industry sources on the West Coast were consistent in how they viewed the state of the market in their region. Sources in California

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Lake States Business Trends

Sources that were contacted across the Lake States all agreed that their sales were steady despite each noting a different area in which their markets

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Northeast Business Trends

Forest products industry contacts in the Northeast were divided on the state of the market in their region. Each source acknowledged an increase in demand,

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Southeast Business Trends

Hardwood suppliers in the Southeast, at the time of this writing, have varied reviews on the market but the majority said that business is slow.

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

West Coast Business Trends

At the time of this writing, lumber suppliers across the West Coast reported mixed reviews about the market. In California, a lumber supplier that said

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Ontario Business Trends

The first two weeks of summer kicked off with a heat wave in Eastern Ontario and parts of the province of Quebec, reaching into the

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Quebec Business Trends

With the Quebec construction break taking place the last two weeks of July, there was the usual slowdown for hardwood business at this time. Contacts

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Lake States Business Trends

Across the Lake States region lumber sources varied, with one source stating that while his sales are average, it does depend heavily on which species

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Northeast Business Trends

In the Northeast market, forest products industry contacts we spoke with all agreed that their business was steady but were split on whether they expect

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Southeast Business Trends

Throughout the Southeast region lumber sources that were contacted, at the time of this writing, agreed that their sales are heavily dependent on the species

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

West Coast Business Trends

Hardwood suppliers on the West Coast mostly accounted for positive activity. One contact in California mentioned activity was back to pre-covid “normal” levels. “Our business

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Ontario Business Trends

Contacts noted prices had risen for kiln-dried lumber as recently as March compared to a year ago for Basswood, Red Oak, Hard and Soft Maple.

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Quebec Business Trends

Heading into summer, businesses are busy ramping up their inventories for the anticipated season. There were concerns of lower log decks in late spring for

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Lake States Business Trends

Contacts in the Lake States region accounted for average hardwood activity, with many stating they expect supply shortages in the coming months. An Indiana hardwood

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Northeast Business Trends

Throughout the Northeast region lumber sources weren’t able to come to a consensus as to how the market was faring, with one source noting that

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Miller Wood Trade Publications

Southeast Business Trends

Lumber sources that were contacted throughout the Southeast region seemed to be a bit of a mixed bag as two sources noted that their marketplaces

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