Import / Export Wood Purchasing News

This tabloid is published bi-monthly with a circulation of 12,000 per issue and rotated to a master circulation list of over 50,000. This newspaper is sent to BUYERS worldwide such as: kitchen cabinet, furniture, flooring, millwork, secondary mfrs., importers/distribution yards, traders, agents, etc. You’ll discover it’s easy to keep up with “what’s happening” in the import/export international forest products industry by reading this tabloid newspaper. You’ll read features about overseas buyers and U.S. factories buying domestic and/or imported forest products. Moreover, you will read articles about North American forest product Exporters, as well as Importers of exotics and Tropical Hardwoods. The “Wood Purchasing News” carries forest products business trends on the domestic and international markets.

You’ll have current import and export forest products stock listings offering a wide variety of forest products for sale, technical articles on importing and exporting of forest products from different countries, the latest news on personnel and firms in international wood trade, plus exclusive reports on the major import and export forest product association activities, conventions and exhibits. This is the only newspaper available editorially serving your interests in importing or exporting. This paper is distributed to buyers and suppliers of forest products throughout North America, Central and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Pacific Rim, the Middle East and Mexico.

Import / Export Wood Purchasing News
