Green Book’s Hardwood Marketing Directory
This valuable directory lists thousands of woodworking plants such as: kitchen cabinets, furniture, flooring, millwork, secondary mfrs., distribution/concentration yards buying 100,000 bd. ft. annually of Hardwood lumber and other Hardwood forest products. It gives complete, documented facts on species, grades, thicknesses and quantities purchased by each plant annually in the U.S. and Canada. Complete mailing addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, websites, e-mail addresses and individual purchasing agents’ names are listed.
Printed Edition leases for $1,400.00 per year to North American firms. Online Access is $2,100.00 per year. Visa and MasterCard accepted.
Special discounts are available to advertisers with a qualifying Ad program in: National Hardwood Magazine, Softwood Buyer, Wood Purchasing News.
If you would like more information about our rates, please contact us and we will answer your questions within 24 hours.
Printed Edition leases for $1,400.00 per year to North American firms. Online Access is $2,100.00 per year. Visa and MasterCard accepted.
Special discounts are available to advertisers with a qualifying Ad program in: National Hardwood Magazine, Softwood Buyer, Wood Purchasing News.
If you would like more information about our rates, please contact us and we will answer your questions within 24 hours.