AWC, SLMA, NAFO Stand Ready to Support Biden Administration’s Efforts to Reduce Carbon Emissions

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With President Joe Biden’s decision to rejoin the Paris Accords, the American Wood Council (AWC), National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) and Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association (SLMA) announced they stand ready to support the administration as it seeks to reduce carbon emissions.

Sustainably managed forests and the wood products they produce can and should be an important component of the overall Build Back Better strategy to reduce the U.S. carbon footprint, according to a joint statement released by AWC. Currently, U.S. forests and forest products are annually sequestering and storing nearly 15 percent of total U.S. carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. 

The statement released by the AWC, NAFO and SLMA further explained that wood products and sustainably managed forests can and should be part of the carbon solution. The Biden administration can support forests in the United States by embracing sustainable forest management and supporting healthy markets, which research shows is the best way to keep forests intact, the statement added.

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