Do you purchase a minimum of 100,000 board feet of No. 2 Common and Better domestic Hardwoods annually for your wood working plant?
If so, National Hardwood Magazine would like to feature you – FREE – in our Who’s Who in Hardwood Purchasing!
The National Hardwood Magazine (NHM) highlights all areas of the forest products industry. In each issue, we include the Who’s Who section to shine a spotlight on individuals in the industry who purchase at least 100,000 board feet of appearance grade lumber for their facility or distribution yard.
The process is very simple. A form is sent to the designated employee from NHM to complete and return with a photograph. Upon receipt of the form, the Who’s Who article is written and sent to the employee for any changes or edits. As a requirement before publishing, the employee must provide NHM final approval of the article.
National Hardwood Magazine is pleased to offer this article at no cost to the employee or company.
Want more info? Email Dolores at